PSYCH-K® is a simple, safe and effective way to quickly remove stress and change habits so you can accomplish your goals and enhance your life.

PSYCH-K unblocks your potential — your action creates results.


Each session is $275 and lasts about an hour and a half. Sessions via Zoom, FaceTime, etc. This method is as powerful (sometimes more so) as in person sessions. Clients would need to be in a private, quiet space for the session.




transform the subconscious beliefs that get in the way. of achieving your conscious goals.

Self help methods fail or produce temporary results because they only communicate with the conscious mind. The missing piece is the ability to align our subconscious beliefs with our conscience goals. It is not enough to rely on insights, positive-thinking, motivation, good intentions and will power to make lasting changes in our lives. We must do something different by learning how to change our subconscious beliefs.

Creating a 'whole brain state' creates heightened spiritual awareness, improved recall, dramatically increased creativity and increased problem solving. In essence we can have a happier, healthier, more satisfying and sustainable life.

PSYCH-K is a simple and verifiable process to transform stress for good and hardwire powerful new self supporting subconscious beliefs in minutes.

Schedule a call to learn more about PSYCH-K

Please note: the PSYCH-K process is strictly limited to the modification of the beliefs and perceptions at the subconscious level of the mind. Its purpose is to stimulate the natural mind/body self-healing process in order to complement, not replace, the usual, customary and reasonable treatment, therapy and care practiced by a certified healthcare practitioner. The PSYCH-K process is not designed to diagnose or treat, heal or cure any disease or physical disability, medical problem or chronic or acute mental illness.

I know PSYCH-K energy-balancing technology is effective because it radically changed my life. More important, over the last few years I have heard from hundreds of people around the world who have used PSYCH-K to successfully take charge of their lives.
— Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of The Biology of Belief

An interview with Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K:


How Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams met:


Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values.
Your values become your destiny.
— Mahatma Gandhi